Spooky Scary Skeletons | October Newsletter

It's the first weekend of the month, which means it's time for a new newsletter. Don't worry there won't be as much statistic talk this time around, but lots to say nonetheless. To start, let's talk about the biggest thing that happened in September: next-gen consoles. After a long game of chicken, both Xbox and PlayStation have put out the prices for their respective consoles. However, pre-orders were anything but smooth. Austin managed to snag a PS5 pre-order despite the fact that they went up a day in advance. As for myself, I'll be getting a Series S on November 10 (hopefully) and I'm excited to get that in my hands. There are some Xbox Series X prototypes out in the wild and some load time tests and quick resume demos have gone up across various platforms. Personally, I am interested to really see how the Series S stacks up against its big brother. By the way, check out the full guide I made on the Xbox Series S if you want more information about the system.

In the last newsletter, I mentioned that we got approved for Media status so we can now contact and be contacted by publishers to cover games, get press releases, etc. I said then that it was a big deal for us but boy I did not expect the level of action. A majority of the games we reviewed last month were provided by publishers and we have a few more reviews on the production line. We take the trust a publisher and developer put in us when they give us their game very seriously, and we want to make sure the content we create is a polished reflection of our thoughts and opinions. Also, in the last newsletter, I said that I was setting a goal for the team to publish 12 articles to make September the month we've published the most amount of content. We far surpassed my hopes with a total of 23 posts this month. I'm extremely happy (and proud) of the team for not just hitting that goal but smashing it. All while not dropping in quality which will always be our highest priority. At the end of the day, we'd rather published 10 great articles than 20 mediocre ones.

That brings us to this month: Spooktober. I love October, it is my favorite time of the year. Watching horror movies and playing scary games. We just posted our first Spooktober article of a list of scary games on Xbox Game Pass that you can play if you're also looking for some scares. We have a few more spook related lists and reviews planned, but we're always open for ideas, so let us know if you have any in the comments down below. Also, yes, I know that I said I would do the Resident Evil movie pitch on Labor Day, but I decided to push it back to this month because it'll be more fitting. So that will happen sometime in the next few weeks.

As for what I've been playing, the main time syncs for me have been Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (review here), Port Royale 4 (which I will review soon), and Nexomon: Extinction (which I am addicted to and will review a bit later). This month I also want to start streaming again. For now on PC but maybe on consoles soon as well. I will be streaming to the Great White & Co Twitch channel. And the stream archives will go up on the new SDSK Plays YouTube channel which I will be starting in a few days. In fact, right after this post goes up I will be live on Twitch playing some Borderlands 2. I do want to get around to playing a scary game soon, just not sure what yet.

As for movies, there's a lot on my watchlist. The Blackcoat's Daughter, #Alive, Apollo 18, and Temple are at the top of my list. I also had The Invitation on that list but I watched that on the first of October so it's been crossed off. It's a great movie and often really unsettling. If you like Jordan Peele's US, you'll like The Invitation.

But not all October movies have to be scary though. For me, Monster House has been a pivotal part of my Haloween experience. It's silly and it has it's quirks but it never fails to make me smile. If you don't know, Monster House is about a group of kids who think a house in their neighborhood is alive. I'm being vague to avoid spoilers. I'm not sure where it's streaming but if you can find it, I'd absolutely recommend giving it a watch.

Now I have a question for you. What is your favorite Halloween movie? Let me know down in the comments. Thank you so much for reading and supporting Great White & Co. We hope all of you are staying safe out there and until next time you can follow us on social media @greatwhiteandco or me @sdskandco!

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